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David J. O'Brien

David J. O’Brien, MBA, CFP®

John B. Clair

John B. Clair, CFP®

Stephen E. Fletcher

Stephen E. Fletcher, MBA, CFP®

Taylor Schmaltz

Taylor Schmaltz, MBA, CFP®

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News, podcasts and insights for you

Presidential Elections InvestingInvestment Strategy
Presidential Elections – Stay the Course
Elections come with a reliable frequency. Market movements, though, are fairly unpredictable. While historical market data reflects this, human psychology can fall prey all too ...
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Baby General Planning
LIFE series: Having a Baby
Have a kid they said – it’ll be fun they said… As a matter of fact, they were absolutely right! But like so many fun ...
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401(k)Employee BenefitsFinding an Advisor
LIFE series: Leaving A Job
We recently covered the life event of getting a new job. Now we’re turning our attention to the moment when employment terminates. There are happy ...
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