Our Services
Estate Planning
Our fiduciary duty to you doesn’t just stop at death. You worked hard for your money, and you have family or causes that matter to you, that you want to support after your passing. We can’t complete the documents for you, but we can help you formulate the plan that you want to have executed when the day comes. Whether your plan needs an update or a full upgrade, we can help you each step of the way. The world’s best estate plan doesn’t count for much if it doesn’t get properly put in place!
We review your situation, your family, your wishes, and the applicable tax codes to help you create the ideal estate planning strategy that we can put in place with your estate planning attorney. As with every area of planning, it’s not just about the strategy; it’s also about the implementation. Not only do we work with you to make sure your wishes get captured in your estate plan, but then we help you get the estate plan implemented properly, with account titling and beneficiary designations.
With a background in trust and will planning, our team can help you evaluate all the possibilities that are before you and work with your attorney to get it completed. Whether it’s helping you think through powers of attorney, guardians to name in your will, the right way to plan for your charitable intent, or the right plan for your loved ones with special needs, we can help you make sense of all the confusing estate planning options out there and get the right plan for you.