Our Services
Tax Planning
We aren’t CPAs, and we don’t prepare returns, but we can help you understand how the tax code applies to your situation. We review your tax position and work with your CPA to implement various strategies that may help put you in the most optimal tax position. Our goal isn’t to make sure you don’t pay more taxes than you have to this year, it’s to keep your lifetime tax bill as low as possible.
We look at your tax plan considering all the other areas of your life and work with you to make sure everything is structured to your optimal benefit. It can have an impact on your investment strategy and the types of investments we hold, the account types we recommend to you, the ownership of assets like a rental home, the insurance coverages you hold, and the estate planning steps we recommend today vs in the future.
We don’t ever recommend letting the “tax tail wag the dog”. Taxes aren’t the only consideration in your financial life, but we want to make sure that it’s a consideration that isn’t missed. A lot of our clients are surprised by how simple and subtle some strategies might seem and by how much of a tax savings they might bring.