
Category: Finding an Advisor

401(k)Employee Benefitsfinancial planning
LIFE series: Leaving A Job

We recently covered the life event of getting a new job. Now we’re turning our attention to the moment when employment terminates. There are happy and unhappy reasons to leave a job, and they all bring with many things to consider.

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Active vs Passive Investing Finding an AdvisorInvesting
Investing Basics: What’s the difference between active and passive investing?
One of the most important things to know about investing is that you really should have a strategy to be in this game...
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Logo for the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) Board of Standards Finding an AdvisorGeneral PlanningInvesting
CFP Board Removes Compensation Descriptions
You may have heard the CFP Board recently removed compensation descriptions from their website. What does this mean? Previously, prospective clients could search for advisors ...
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Empty Wallet Finding an AdvisorGeneral PlanningInvesting
You pay too much for mutual funds. I don’t.
At EVOAdvisers, we select the lowest cost share class available for a client. That’s what a fiduciary should do — put their client’s interests before ...
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Finding an AdvisorGeneral Planning
Dave O’Brien, EVOadvisers co-founder, named Chair of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)
At the start of September, Dave will lead the largest association of Fee-Only advisors during a time of growth and consumer regulatory reform.
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Working With a Financial Advisor Business PlanningFinding an AdvisorGeneral Planning
What’s the Value of a financial advisor?
Working with a financial advisor may add “about 3%” in increased returns. Does this claim sound pretty bold to you?  We should all be skeptical ...
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Do I Need A Financial Advisor? Finding an AdvisorGeneral Planning
Do I need a financial advisor?
Many people find that working with a financial planner makes the difference between achieving the important goals they set…and watching time go by while those ...
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Clearing Pitfalls (in Financial Planning) with Bob Veres Finding an AdvisorGeneral PlanningInvesting
Episode 17 – Clearing pitfalls (in financial planning) with Bob Veres
Bob Veres is a pioneer in this profession to steer consumers away from exactly that and help understand what it is financial planners do.
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Finding an AdvisorGeneral PlanningPodcasts
Episode 14 – Leading the Charge with NAPFA’s Geof Brown
Have you heard us talk about NAPFA? It’s something we talk about frequently at EVO because we are NAPFA advisors and believe so deeply in ...
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